Health Topics

Think Positive and Start Healing with Spooky2 Scalar

People often go to the doctors when they experience discomfort and take medications or therapies to relieve the symptoms. Many people tend to believe that the cause of a condition is either pathogenic or genetic mutations. However, they rarely suspect that the underlying cause occurs before the symptoms appear and hides within one’s mind.

The Six Stages of a Disease

A disease often starts from the mind before it manifests in the body. Pathogens only enter your body when you allow them, in other words, when your immune system is weak, and symptoms only appear when your body can no longer contain them. However, the disease itself may emerge even when no pathogens are present in your body. Your negative mindset might also give rise to sickness.

Stage 1: Wrong mindset
Stage 2: Incorrect interaction with the world (the way we live)
Stage 3: Metabolic / Energetic imbalance
Stage 4: Accumulation of toxins
Stage 5: Symptoms (allopathic intervention)
Stage 6: Terminal stage (visit the doctor)

During the first stage, our mindset remains a framework that “invites” illnesses. If we do not address this mindset first, no matter how we use medications or therapies to tackle the pathogens, we will never fully succeed in restoring health.

The Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an effective form of psychological treatment that can help with numerous mental issues by changing one’s negative mindset into a better, healthier state. CBT theory claims that what we think and do affects how we feel.

Our thoughts, feelings, body sensations, and behaviors are all interconnected. For example, when you break up, you may experience chest pain even when you have no heart disease or chest injury, and that pain indeed comes from the feeling of heartbreak. CBT uses this theory to relieve symptoms by helping people see the bright side of things.

Taking CBT to a broader sense, the diseases can come from the mind. They manifest in your body because your inappropriate thoughts and behaviors distort the energy balance within yourself, letting the pathogens into your body and causing harm. Therefore, if you hold a steadfast mental defense and positive attitudes, the toxins and pathogens will not survive in your immune system.

Scalar Energy for Mental Cleansing

If you want to get better from a disease or maintain a healthy immune system, you should start thinking positive first, and this is when Spooky2 Scalar comes to help. Spooky2 Scalar emits scalar energy, a form of positive energy that can help you get rid of distressing thoughts and negative thinking habits. When you start to leave these minds behind, you can fully interact with others and the environment in a healthy way and get better soon.

Spooky2 Scalar will push you in a more positive direction and help you from the root cause of diseases. It can effectively remove the blockers that prevent the natural healing process within your body and restore your body energy to its perfectly balanced state. As a result, you will enjoy a more cheerful life.

2 thoughts on “Think Positive and Start Healing with Spooky2 Scalar

  1. paul says:

    i have a spooky 2 generator, which i’m trying to learn how to use.. does the scalar plug into that ..

    1. Hi Paul. Either OUT1 or OUT2 on either G1 or G2 to Spooky Scalar. No boost. Don’t forget to use a Scalar Shell Preset. 🙂

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