Health Topics

Sleep Problems in Psoriasis: What are the solutions?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which means people with psoriasis tend to have an overactive immune system, and they experience inflammation attacks on their skin and joints.

Unfortunately, many diseases may arise with psoriasis, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and psychiatric disorders. However, the link between sleep problems and psoriasis is rarely mentioned.

Sleep disorders are common among people with psoriasis, and almost 90% of patients report their insomnia symptoms. They usually find large amounts of skin flakes scattering on their pillow and bedsheet due to disturbing skin irritation and itchiness keeps them scratching all night and losing good sleep.

Sleep problems in psoriasis: long-term health implications

Due to itchiness caused by psoriasis, most people cannot suppress their urge to scratch even if they fall asleep. They cannot stay asleep for a long time and may continuously wake up from sleep to scratch to relieve their discomfort. As a result, sleep disorder leads to worse implications of psoriasis in the long term and may even make patients feel depressed.

Reducing overall psoriatic inflammation and itchiness is the key to better sleep.

Finding solutions
There are several improvements that you can make in your lifestyle to relieve your sleep problem and psoriasis.

Temperature Therapy
After all the busy works and tiredness during the day, some people like to enjoy a hot bath to relax. However, psoriatic patients should avoid prolonged hot showers and baths because hot water increases the burden on their skin. Warm water will be the best choice.

Make sure your showers and baths are around ten minutes, and gently dry your skin with a soft towel after showering.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized
One of the easiest ways to keep your skin smooth and healthy is to moisturize regularly. Applying lotion on your skin right before bedtime will reduce the annoying itching during sleep. Coconut oil, aloe vera oil, or other alternative skin lotions are also good choices.

Ignore stress appropriately before bedtime
Stress is one of the leading causes of sleep disorders. When a person is experiencing various conflicts at home or work, close to deadlines, making an important life decision, his mind is constantly under stress.

It is always a good habit to not consider too much or start a project too late in the evening. Relax your mind before bed can get yourself well prepared for good sleep.

Keep a Regular Sleep Schedule
Keeping a consistent sleep schedule helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythms and improves sleep quality. By going to bed at the same time every night, you can stabilize your body’s circadian rhythms and fall asleep more easily.

However, if you have already been troubled with sleep disorders for a long time, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider because there could be a medical issue involved.

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