Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a millenniums-old medical practice that impacted different cultures significantly worldwide. From the legend of Shennong tasting hundreds of herbs to modern medical trials in laboratories, TCM has been benefitting billions of people for thousands of years.
TCM promotes the natural healing of the human body. Therefore, its treatment focuses on the general improvement of the entire body, both physically and psychologically, rather than relieving individual symptoms. The central concept in TCM is Qi, the vital life force. Illness and discomfort are caused by the blockage or disturbance in Qi flow, according to TCM. Some common treatments in TCM include acupuncture, massage (Tui Na), exercises, and herbal remedies.
Qi flows through meridians in the human body, and these meridians are accessible through 350 acupoints in the body. Acupunctural practitioners insert thin needles into these points with appropriate combinations to bring your Qi back into proper balance. Acupuncture has been proven effective in relieving pain, such as lower back pain, headaches, knee pain, and arthritis. In some cases, it may also help with high blood pressure, low blood pressure, and sprains.
Similar to acupuncture, Chinese massage is an ancient practice that aims to release the flow of energy around the body. Massage therapists put pressure on the meridians to balance Qi flow. There are many massage techniques, including kneading, rolling, and deep pressure. With the correct application of techniques on appropriate pressure points, Chinese massage will help you soothe injured muscles, improve blood circulation, and relieve stress.
Chinese medical exercises consist of Wu Shu (martial arts) and Qi Gong. Tai chi is a typical form of martial arts that combines postures, gentle movements, mental focus, breathing, and relaxation. The slow movements are very suitable for the elderly or those in physical rehabilitation. Researches have shown that tai chi may enhance balance and stability, relieve joint pain, and improve moods. If you would like to practice tai chi or Qi gong, you should find a skilled trainer.
Herbal Remedies
Natural herbs probably make up the most critical part of TCM. There are tens of thousands of recorded formulas for various diseases. These formulas were the collection of wisdom from herbal experts in history and saved countless people. Since herbal medicines are difficult to mass-produce, modern medical researchers are trying to extract effective ingredients from the formulas to create concentrated drugs.
Many herbal supplements claim to have lots of health benefits. However, some do not actually work. If you want to try Chinese herbal products, you need to ask a professional Chinese medical practitioner for advice.
How to combine TCM with Scalar
Chinese herbal medicines often taste bitter with a bit of sour, and you probably do not want to drink them. Luckily, you can use molecular scalar with herbal medicine placed on the coil. Then you can receive the benefits of the medicine without tolerating its awful taste.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is an extensive topic due to its long history. This blog can only cover a small part of it, but you get the gist. TCM is as helpful for patients as valuable for researchers. With modern scientific methods, we believe the doctors can dig out more and more treasure in the continent of TCM.
TCM is 3000 years old and NOT century-old. Pls tell the fact and not downgrade TCM.
Hey Mengkwang. Thanks for your corrections. We have corrected the article already. 🙂
Actually, the fact, is 5000 years old, as last investigations; and it can also be incorrect. If you are a TCM practitioner, remember that our words resemble our Qi balance.