How Scalar Waves Were Discovered
It was not until the early 20th century that Scalar Waves were revisited, thanks largely to the groundbreaking experiments of Nikola Tesla. Tesla, a Serbian-American inventor and physicist, is often credited as the first scientist to seriously explore and experiment with Scalar Waves. His fascination with wireless energy transmission led him to conduct extensive research into these waves, which he believed could transmit energy over vast distances without the need for traditional conductive media. Tesla’s work with high-voltage, high-frequency currents allowed him to create conditions where Scalar Waves could manifest, and he envisioned these waves as the key to achieving wireless power distribution on a global scale. Although many of Tesla’s ideas were ahead of their time and met with skepticism, his experiments laid the groundwork for the future study of Scalar Waves.

What Are Scalar Waves?
Currently defined as a type of longitudinal wave, Scalar Waves are also referred to as Tesla Waves, named after the brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla, who discovered them over 100 years ago. For a long time, research on Scalar Waves remained hidden due to their unique properties.
Scalar Waves have the remarkable ability to carry both information and energy, penetrating almost any obstacle without diminishing in strength. Nikola Tesla’s work on wireless energy transmission, in fact, utilized Scalar Waves to transfer energy.
In the latter half of the 20th century, several scientists and researchers, including Tom Bearden and Konstantin Meyl, conducted in-depth studies on Scalar Waves. They proposed that Scalar Waves could have applications in nonlinear phenomena, energy medicine, and remote communication.
Understanding the Philosophy of Disease and How Scalar Energy Can Help
Throughout our bodies, we have a network of energy channels which circulate from the top of our head, down to the bottom of our toes. This energy system is responsible for making us feel healthy and energized, not just on a physical level, but also on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level.
This energy is sometimes referred to as Chi or Prana, and is the driving life force of our body, down to the last cell and atom.
We believe that one of the root causes of disease is a blockage in our energetic pathways or chakras. When there is a blockage, the local metabolism slows down, and the body structure becomes less energetic. It is less capable of removing chemical waste, causing further build-up of toxins in the same area. This vicious cycle will repeat. Once the local energy level falls below a critical threshold, the onset of a chronic illness is near. If the situation is not corrected, the condition will worsen over time.
Imagine a river flowing freely. After a storm, a tree falls into the river, obstructing the water flow. Over time, silt and leaves are collected by the fallen tree, further compounding the obstruction. If the tree is not removed, the flow will continue to reduce. Eventually, it will become completely blocked.

Scalar Fields Help Open and Remove Blockages
Despite interruption by blockages, our body retains the memory of healthy Chi through cell communication.
Cells use scalar fields to communicate. Blockages disrupt this natural communication. Scalar fields introduce energy, which restores this communication, exposing the diseased cells to the body’s defenses.
Mitochondria are the “power stations” of cells. Scalar fields charge the mitochondria, giving your cells much-needed energy to open and remove the blockages. Once the blockages are removed, our body will restore the flow of Chi back to a healthy state. Just as removing the fallen tree from the river restored water flow.
There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: “Where there is free flow, there is
What is Spooky2 Scalar?
Spooky2 Scalar is the first scalar treatment device to provide three different methods of transmitting healing scalar waves: pure scalar, molecular scalar, and Rife scalar. You can choose which of these best suits your needs.
Spooky2 Scalar has both a sender and receiver. The sender is tuned to the receiver so they are perfectly linked. There is only a single wire between the two. A scalar field is only produced when the two units are tuned. They become charge-coupled, effectively becoming one entity; one transmitting regular electrical signals, and the other returning the signals in the form of a scalar field. The lids become a transmitting antenna of scalar energy, with a scalar field between them. The return path is the space between the lids. The scalar field goes in all directions, but a receiver will absorb this energy, in a similar way to the ionized gas in a plasma ball. The finger absorbs the energy, and a stream of electrons passes through the glass to the finger. When this happens, the energy becomes more focused. The person in the scalar field(who sits between the sender and receiver), and also becomes a tuned receiver.
Spooky2 Scalar can be used this way, but there are more options. If a substance is placed on the receiver, molecular modulation alters the returning scalar field. The modulated information invokes biological changes as if you have the substance inside your body.
Health products or drugs can also be placed on the receiver coil. Your body then has the effects of the compound.

The Unique Features of Spooky2 Scalar
Spooky2 Scalar stands out as a Tesla-inspired device, perfectly embodying Tesla’s scalar energy principles. Most so-called scalar devices use the placebo effect. However, the fields produced by Spooky2 Scalar are strong. We use analog circuitry to ensure a pure signal, and the signal can be either molecular or frequency modulated using low or high frequencies. Spooky2 Scalar can aid in boosting the immune system, improving sleep, enhancing mental clarity, and supporting overall well-being. By harmonizing your body’s energy pathways, it helps remove energetic blockages and promote natural healing. This makes it a cutting-edge solution for those seeking holistic health improvements through the power of scalar energy.
Elevate your wellness with Spooky2 Scalar
Spooky2 Scalar is the first scalar treatment device to provide three different methods of transmitting healing scalar waves: pure scalar, molecular scalar, and Rife scalar.
Humans are made up of energy. Once the energy level falls below a critical threshold, the onset of a chronic illness is near. If the situation is not corrected, the condition will worsen over time.
Spooky2 Scalar can recharge the cells, giving you the much-needed energy to feel healthy and energized at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.
Spooky2 Scalar GX Pro Essential Kit provides a full scalar system for the healing scalar energy and scalar biofeedback scan.
The kit contains one set of Spooky2 Scalar, one Spooky2 Scalar Digitizer, one GeneratorX Pro, and two BNC Cables.
With one Spooky2 Scalar Essential Kit, you can not only use the powerful scalar energy for your overall health, but also do biofeedback scans to help with unknown health problems. We have prepared all you need to set up an effective and versatile scalar system.
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